Remember this class? It's over now, but still a big,big part of my life. Monday and Tuesday they are sponsoring a contest, and inviting students to blog about what the class meant to them. Well, very simply, I loved it. It came at a perfect time for me, and let me mess, and glue, and cut, for hours at a time, without having to think too much about my sorrow. They are having a second class in June. I'm not too sure what it will be like, but it involves lots and lots of index cards. The winner will get free registration to the class for herself and for a friend.
I mentioned the time line before and how it made me see that I have really had a good life and that it has gone by very quickly. We also made another book about soul restoration and a book of Promises for the future. I am still working on that one. I also did a lot of journaling. Some of it was pretty dark, but I needed to do it, and it helped. I think my very favorite project was the Truth Cards. I put mine on a little easel and have one out every day to remember my own personal truths. Every person's truths are different, but they are all very motivating and uplifting.
I remember a tv show when I was a child called "Queen For A Day". Women would come on the show and talk about how awful their lives were. At the end of the show, the most pitiful one was chosen to be Queen. Maybe I am mixing it up with Miss America, but it seems to me that she got a robe, a crown, and flowers. And she always seemed to win a washing machine. I sort of feel like I have become those women, because so many awful things have happened to me in the last year. Some of them I have never even mentioned, because, really, how much can you believe??? But, as someone, who has always been pretty happy and content, 2009 and 2010 were like one of those barrels you see rolling down a big hill in old movies. Over and over and over again, and then another big bump, while I just tried to hang on as best as I could. I really think, that if I can't win the class, I should at least get the crown.