Monday, April 20, 2009

Words I Live By


  1. Wow Sandi, you are so devoted! That MUST be why you look so FABULOUS!!!!!

    I don't do either one of those. It's hard to eat right here in Louisiana. It's obvious! haha

    However, I'll be mighty HOT when I wear my cuff bracelet you gave me this November in Omaha! I'm taking your word seriously that you'll still come visit with us! I can't wait to see you!!!!!

    everything vintage

  2. well that's just hilarious!!

  3. I have the accessorizing part down but the eating right, hmmm. Thanks for letting me know there is such a thing as an electric teakettle that turns off automatically. Maybe they will let me have one in the home. You know THE Home. Hope to see you at SB. Pam

  4. Here is gypsyvillefleamarket...shhhh
