Sunday, June 30, 2013


It's been a whirl wind of a week. Once I finally listed the house, things went very quickly. Just about 5 days! I felt like the popular girl at the party. Everybody wanted to dance with my house. Hope it continues to go so smoothly. Of course, there is the inspection, and the appraisal, and all those other nervewracking things, but it all looks good. Now, of course, I have to find another place to live......and soon. I have my eye on a duplex that reminds me a lot of this house. Hopefully, I will get it. 
Today marks the completion of the second year of my life as a widow. In my head there is a book forming about the bitter and the sweet and all the changes we go through in this journey and the things I have learned. I don't know if it will ever happen, but it is there.

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