Monday, February 16, 2015

Announcing a Winner of Wishes

Hello everyone,
I have picked a winner for my Grow Your Blog bottle of Wishes. She is Dixie of  Arranged Words. I have emailed her and as soon as I have her address, I will be sending her a package.
I would like to thank Vicki for sponsoring this blog hop. I have 21 new people following my blog, and several more left really nice messages. Unfortunately, those messages have disappeared because of the trouble I have had with Google+. Still working on that.


  1. A bottle of wishes. How wonderful! I am looking so forward to receiving this lovely gift.
    Thank you very much, Sandi!
    I definitely enjoyed this blog party. I've met so many lovely people.

  2. Love that idea too..we all should have a bottle of wishes, and work on them to make real! Sorry about Google +. I used to have it, but tried everything to take it off blog.had to delete blog and styart again.lost 131 followers.only those with Google+ could comment on my blog.

  3. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I just discovered your blog and I'll follow you, greetings from Spain-
